Harriet Beecher Stowe
Harriet Beecher Stowe, the daughter of a pastor, led the American slave-liberation movement. She witnessed a suffering black mother holding a dying child and feeling the misery of the slavery. The novel she wrote, influenced by the bible was, “Uncle Tom's Cabin,” which strengthened the cause of abolitionism during the revolution in the United States. The reason slavery has officially been abolished is not because of people's disagreement, but because someone who raised an issue on this. Actions like these are needed for the gospel movement.
The world is facing more and more difficulties because they’ve lost hold of important matters and are focusing on other non-urgent issues. Remnants must be able to see God’s absolute plan. In every age, God always gave the blessing of restoring the Gospel.
Jesus finished all problems on Calvary. All you have to do is go all-in and save the church, hold onto the covenant of the Mt. of Olives that enjoys God’s Kingdom, and the covenant of Mark’s upper room that experiences the works of the Holy Spirit. This answer will come upon your academics and connect to the field. Without worrying about conflicts, Remnants just need to hold onto their God-given covenant.
When Remnants hold onto the covenant, God will surely work in their studies. In turn, their academics will be used to save the church and the field. This is God’s absolute goal. Remnants just need to keep praying regarding this answer. In the end, they’ll receive and enjoy amazing God-given power.
God has called Remnants to restore the Gospel and to save the empty places found in churches and the 237 nations of the world. Through those Remnants who are holding onto the accurate covenant, God will move everything and restore all suffering from darkness. You are the people of God who will hold to this covenant and restore everything!! I pray for you and, I love you. 2/27/2021.
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