In an auditorium of an Urban College in Rome

 In an auditorium of an Urban College in Rome, the question, “And then?” was engraved. A law school student in the 16th century didn't have tuition, so he turned to a rich man, Filippo Neri for help. Having heard this, Neri promised financial support and asked the student:

“What are you going to do with this money?”

“I will graduate from school and become a lawyer.”

“And then?”

“I have to make money and buy a house.”

“And then?”

“I will marry and have children.”

“And then?”

“I will get older.”

“And then?”

The student didn't have any more answers.

The well aged Neri then said in a clear and strong tone,

“And then death. And then is God's judgment. And then eternity. If you can't get an answer about where you come from, why live? Where are you going with everything you have. If you subtracting everything in the middle between birth and death, you will only be living to die.

Answers in life will never be found, until you meet Christ.

There was God's absolute goal for the lay leaders to reach Canaan in the past and change the cultural summit as well as construct the temple. You, who live in this age, must grab hold of the core of the Bible which includes the covenants of 237; healing; and the Summit and restore what was stolen. This is the blessing that all church officers must enjoy.

A very important war broke out for the Israelites. At that time, those who led and fought in the battle were church officers. The main figures of the conquest of Canaan were also church officers. They enjoyed being springboards for future generations. 

The ten spies were the majority who said that it was impossible to enter Canaan, but the remaining two who held onto the truth reported the facts regarding Canaan to Moses. Starting today, pray to become a church officer who holds onto the covenant that follows the truth and not mainstream opinion.

You are people of God, who will be used to save this age as a lay leader!! I pray for you and, I love you. 2/19/2021
