"The Great Divorce," was written by C.S. Lewis

 An allegorical book, "The Great Divorce," was written by C.S. Lewis. based on a theological dream vision of his in which he reflects on the Christian conceptions of Heaven and Hell. It's hot, rains, and smells every day. In the meantime, God provided a way to a shining heaven. There are buses with a free fare, however, no one takes this regular bus. When it comes by, many people just stop and think about boarding it.

Many people believed you would face limitations if you take this bus. There would be no more joy, you can't make money by cheating, you can't be recognized for fame, you can't boast, money has no power, and you can't play. Many potential passengers think, "Why should I go to a world where I can't be pretentious?" It's comfortable living my own way." They get to the stop, and think, "I'll get on the next ride." These are the people who are divorced from God. There is one thing they don't know. They don't know at the end of the day, this bus will stop running.

Before starting, Remnants must first know the end which is world evangelization. By holding onto the covenant of world evangelization, you must examine your condition, nature, and limitations. By doing so, you'll see the age if you hold onto the covenant just a little. God has a plan for establishing the Gospel in each age. The individuals who were used by God in every age saw His absolute plan; discovered their “only;” and gained victory. 

God sends Remnants who are on the Covenant Journey to the field of “Nobody.” There, Remnants will see the age of disasters. Moreover, God will allow the answer of “Everybody,” which saves everyone through Remnants who possess the mystery of the Gospel. This is the answer of “uniqueness," and "only." In doing so, the answer of “re-creation” that no one can take away will emerge. You are the people of God, who will change the world by shining the light of the Gospel to everyone in darkness and chaos!! I pray for you and I love you. 2/26/2021
