Day of Atonement

 John Newton's last words at the age of 82 were, “My memories are gone, but two things are still clear. I am a sinner and Christ is my great Savior.”

To be a sinner in the Bible is not a relative point of view, but an absolute. How good does a person have to be in order to go to heaven? When you consider on a scale from 0, as being the worst, to 100 being the best, how much do you believe God expects of you?

God asks for 100. Knowing that man cannot obtain salvation by good deeds, God prepared a completely approach to salvation. He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to this earth to be a sacrifice. Jesus Christ is a sin offering. This is the only way of salvation given to mankind.

Most people who believe in God live a life of faith without really knowing how to believe in Him. You must remember that believing in God one hundred percent is the start of your life of faith. Satan tries to kill and destroy people by making traps with Genesis 3, 6, and 11. He leads people to idolatry and pushes them to ruin. That was why God commanded His people to hold onto the Gospel and give the sin offering to escape the traps made by Satan.

God commanded the Israelites to give the sin offering because of problems that the Israelites couldn’t solve on their own. For that very reason, God told them to receive the power of Christ. Starting today, you can enjoy this true freedom by holding onto the mystery of Christ. Although the world is constantly advancing, God has called you as the Summit to solve the greater spiritual problems that will come in the future; to heal this age; and to solve its problems.

You are the people of God who hold fast to the baton of the covenant of Christ the solution to all problems!! I pray for you and, I love you.

