Eyes Seeking Eternity

 Countless people held and still hold concerts, lectures and festivals to commemorate the work of William Shakespeare because he is recognized as one of the greatest English playwright. England held a festival to celebrate his 400 years of his work after his death. Ben Jonson, a contemporary playwright of Shakespeare wrote, "He was not of an age but for all time!"

The influence of any artist, writer or thinker can last for centuries, but it is not forever. Only God's absolute covenant will be fulfilled forever through the heroes of missions and the spiritual summit.

Before you take up a challenge, there are a few key points that you must be sure of. First is the assurance regarding the three eternal elements. They are the background of the Triune God, your unchanging status and authority as a child of God, and the background of Satan and Hell. By knowing these truths, you’ll realize what is worth staking your life.

Everything is within God’s absolute sovereignty. The 7 Remnants of the Bible viewed everything through their faith in God’s absolute sovereignty, and as a result, God worked in their lives. Furthermore, the Remnants saw that the age was controlled by Satan.

God has called you as the Remnant leader and has given you faith in His absolute sovereignty to see the age. You, too, are inside of God’s absolute plan. Through you, God desires to restore the Gospel; evangelism; missions; and the church that has collapsed. In doing so, the covenant will begin to be fulfilled in your field, and you’ll stand as a witness who will accomplish God’s works.

God’s entire focus is placed on Remnants who will fulfill God’s dream of evangelism and missions. Now is the time schedule to challenge toward the RUTC movement so that the next generation, “the ones who remain,” can receive this answer. You must set up systems to give Remnants a correct mission, to go on internships, and have life-changing forums. You are the people of God, who will hold onto this mystery!! I pray for you and, I love you. 3/06/2021
