Formatting Faith
Format is a word related to the computer, which refers to the removal and re-normalization of data on the storage device. Just as you have to format your computer to improve its performance, you need a spiritual format in your lives.
Your lives were held in darkness and fear of an invisible future amidst the frustrations and pains of Genesis 3, 6, and 11 under the control of Satan. This problem can't be solved in any worldly method. When your lives are confirmed by only Christ, the kingdom of God, and the filling of the Holy Spirit, your past will unfold and a new path to the future can be seen.
Every Remnant must create their personal covenant, vision, dream, image, and practice (C.V.D.I.P.) It’s alright even if it’s a bit incorrect because God will modify it. Remnants who have discovered their C.V.D.I.P. will not get flustered because they know that God will carry out His covenant.
Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who were taken captive to Babylon already knew why Israel had been destroyed. For that reason, they weren’t distressed. They knew that being held captive was an opportunity for world evangelization to take place.
Esther also knew in advance why she was called and was used exactly when God needed her.
Through prophet Isaiah, God told the Israelites what He would do in advance. Isaiah prophesied Immanuel, the most important mystery of restoration and also foretold that restoration would take place through “those who remained.” According to the prophetic Word, the Gospel and the Remnant were restored and a new temple was built.
Through Remnants, God will restore the Gospel and its power. All Remnants have to do is simply hold onto the covenant. By doing so, they’ll see the future in advance; what they must do during the remainder of their lives; and what they must enjoy today.
You are people of God, called for this work!! I pray for you and, I love you.3/23/2021
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