Healing and Answers

 Perfume is made from the blubber of sick whales. Bos taurus domesticus Gmelin are dried gallstones of sick cattle used in Chinese herbology. There is no ox bezoar in the body of a cow that is not sick. Trees that survived rain, wind and blizzards in a rugged and deep valley like the Rocky Mountains become the top quality material for resonance in order to craft a world-class violin. Just as great works and masterpieces come out of suffering and adversity, you too, must become valuable through internships, trials, and tribulations.

When most believers encounter problems, they dispute. This happens because they haven’t seen another world that exists inside the covenant. they’ll encounter hardships. However, Remnants need to hold onto the Gospel and remain inside of prayer. Remnants must choose everything within that and enjoy the answers that come from it. Therefore, there’s no need to dispute or use humanism. Even if they hear criticism from others, they must be able to hear God’s voice within those words.

Too many people have fallen into idolatry and are suffering from spiritual diseases. Remnants must be aware that the mystery of “a different healing” can remedy those spiritual illnesses. That mystery is “only Gospel” which the world cannot give. Also, Remnants need to enjoy this “different strength” that comes solely from the covenant.

Because people are unaware of the spiritual world, they have no choice but to face spiritual difficulties. When Remnants hold onto the covenant of Christ on Calvary; the covenant of God's kingdom on the Mt. of Olives; the filling of the Holy Spirit in Mark’s upper room; and enjoy them through prayer, they’ll gain spiritual strength and experience God’s works that save the field through that power.

You, are the people of God, who will save the people around you without having to fight physically in the world!! I pray for you and I love you. 3/01/2021
