Power of Healing
"The power of success and healing comes from your words." When you are discouraged in life; when your business and finances are rocky; when you are confused about what to do; when you lose everything; when you become seriously ill; words of faith can ignite the sleeping souls of those who are weak and tired. A kind of inspiration to the mind appears to create a new beginning. This is because creative power comes with the proclamation of faith, which contains the Word of God.
God healed the Israelites in the wilderness. That method of healing was worship. Likewise, God has also spoken to you who are living in this wilderness-like reality.
Most people try to solve their issues by holding onto beliefs or actions which are unable to save them. However, God gave His children the Word. Instead of anything else, you must place the covenants of evangelism, missions, and world evangelization, which are God’s absolute covenant, in your heart.
There is something more important than resolving your longstanding problems that have been disclosed. You must be freed from your fundamental spiritual disease. When you become liberated from spiritual diseases, physical diseases are also resolved. God has called you as a royal priesthood who blocks all disasters.
From the moment you, a child of God, know the mystery of the spiritual world and hold onto the covenant, God will begin His works and the forces of darkness will surely break down. Because answers will come at the accurate time schedule, all you have to do is wait. Starting today, take all your pains to God and receive healing.
You are the people of God, who will heal everyone with this eternal covenant!! I pray for you and, I love you.
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