Power Of The Light

 Einstein, the world renowned physicist of the 20th century, was Jewish who discovered the Theory of Relativity. Einstein's mother Pauline encouraged him by saying, "Because you are different from others, you will surely become a great person." Even when her son wasn't able to adjust in school and was bullied she told him, "No matter what study you are likely to succeed."  She kissed Einstein's hand which was swollen because of beatings for not being able to study. She reassured him and said, “My dear son, you have a special talent that no one else has. You will surely do a great job,” She was always able to awaken the potential for him to become a genius.

If you want your future generations to go well, rather than scolding or rebuking your children's vacancy, missing, shortcomings, shortcomings, and weaknesses, you should generously praise and encourage your strengths. The spirits of children will grow healthy by eating an atmosphere of self-acknowledgement, a fountain of praise and encouragement, and our future generations will be globalized if we abandon the impatience of our children's shortcomings and wait.

Evangelists must possess the future and see Remnants through the eyes of God and the age. Also, instead of looking at many sites, it’s more crucial to see the empty places. 

You must be able to see those who are already here. However, it was the evangelist Philip who saw that empty place(Acts 8:4~8). Right now, there are many places in the church; people who are sick; and shamans who have shunned their previous lives who need help. The evangelism movement will arise just by gathering the hearts of those who want to help these empty places.

Paul always entered synagogues where important figures had gathered. When he went to Lystra, Timothy appeared and through Priscilla and Aquila, Apollos emerged. In this manner, you must earnestly pray that evangelists can enter the empty places in the field.

You are people of God, who will continue this covenant!! I pray for you and, I love you. 3/22/2021
