The One Who Goes Ahead
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, was Germany's greatest literary artist. He spoke of five quotes to success in life.
First: Those who have no hope for a future life are already dead for the present one.
Second: None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
Third: Must I prevent myself from enjoying the present moment, that I may be sure of the one that follows, and then waste that one, too, in cares and useless worries?
Fourth: Impotent hatred is the most horrible of all emotions; one should hate nobody whom one cannot destroy.
Fifth: Faith enough to make real the things of God; Hope enough to remove all anxious fears concerning the future.
These are wise words for Remnants of the world.
The first condition for Remnant leaders living in this age is to enjoy 24-hour prayer. The Remnants Joseph, Moses, Samuel, David, Elisha, Isaiah, and Paul saw God’s covenant in advance and enjoyed 24-hour prayer.
David enjoyed “his prayer” 24 hours a day. He saw what belonged to God and made them his own. Within this mystery of prayer, emerged skills to save the age, and he enjoyed the blessing of being utilized by God. This promise is prepared as an answer for you as well.
If you can enjoy 24-hour prayer, the blessing of the Spiritual Summit will begin to appear that goes beyond simply focusing on work. David prayed and enjoyed his skills when others were in conflict. God led David to personalize, specialize, and globalize his skills in order to use them in that age. David enjoyed being with God(WITH) in his relationships with people in the field, and in his youth, he enjoyed Immanuel. Furthermore, when he became king, he formed “Oneness” with the people and prepared for the construction of the temple.
When you also enjoy 24-hour prayer, you’ll make the conclusion regarding the covenant of “Only” and receive the answer of the Spiritual Summit given by God.
You are the people of God, who will triumph with the conclusion of "only!!" I pray for you and I love you. 3/04/2021
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