The One Who Sees In Advance
Humans who have lost their way from God are held captive in sin by Satan are constantly under attack. They live with the background of sin and hell. People encounter death after suffering and constant failure in life. These individuals include those who are captive to the dark culture; those with spiritual problems; those who dwell on fortunes, demons, and idolatry; they've departed from God; they live in an age of Nephilim, the Tower of Babel; they suffer from problems of unbelievers and fail in endless pain, and face final judgment (Heb. 9:27) of eternal destruction and hell.
The three organizations that are involved in the possession movement have seized the entire world. In every age, those who performed possession rituals controlled and spread disasters across the globe. During those times, Remnants who saw in advance God’s fulfillment and His absolute goal arose and blocked the disasters through spiritual healing that nobody else could do.
It doesn’t matter what occupation Remnants have. The crucial point is carrying out spiritual healing.
God performed tremendous healing through the Remnants of the Bible. Joseph, Moses, and David were the representative figures. The same was true in church history. Through figures like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Wesley, healing took place in Europe and even missionaries entered Korea and saved the nation.
In the future, many illnesses and spiritual diseases will arise as a result of the aftermath from the 3rd and 4th Industrial Revolutions. When you enjoy and hold onto your God-given C.V.D.I.P. in advance, you’ll easily heal the disease-stricken age.
God's plan of salvation began from eternity, has been fulfilled in you. Regain the strength in the covenant and live as a witness of healing in the field where you are.
You are people of God in this covenant journey!! I pray for you and, I love you. 3/17/2021
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