Those Who Hold The Eternal Covenant

 Queen Mary of England who had the nickname Bloody Mary said, “I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies of Europe.” (1553-1558). When Queen Mary tried to turn Scotland into a Catholic country, John Knox declared war with the Queen, saying, "Give me Scotland or I die." War was upon them and in addition, Knox was imprisoned during the Reformation Movement and was punished by rowing on a slave ship.

During the Protestant Reformation, John Knox was taken prisoner and forced to row in the French galleys. He paddled and stayed on the slave ship Loire throughout the winter. He was required to show devotion to the Virgin Mary. He said, “This is not the mother of God, but a painted piece of wood.” James Douglas (1516-1581), then a regent of Scotland, said at John Knox's grave: "He who has never feared a human face, fell asleep here." This is the strength of those who pray with the eternal covenant.

Although there are many problems in the field, you must believe in God; look at the facts; and not be deceived. Furthermore, see and possess your God-given covenant in advance and be victorious. God who delivered Israel from Egypt which possessed absolute power is the Lord of hosts and when you look to Him today, He will give you strength to overcome darkness. God told the Israelites, “I am the LORD God who delivered you from darkness.” 

The words, “I am the LORD your God,” was His promise to be with the Israelites as they went through the wilderness. Although those forty years of wandering seemed difficult, God gave them only the best such as the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant. He has prepared those kinds of tremendous answers for your life’s path as well. Your life is within God’s absolute covenant and God has placed His absolute plan within you. When you know this fact, you’ll see His absolute journey and goal. You are the people of God in this covenant!! I pray for you and, I love you. 3/18/2021.
