A Person With Spiritual Power

 Blaise Pascal, the author of Pensées, an apology for the Christian Gospel, speaks about three types of humans.

The first is a person who has the knowledge to know God but does not seek Him. These people have knowledge but live a meaningless life. Second, is a person who cannot find God. These people are those who have already fallen. Their consciences are paralyzed and hardened, so they can neither think nor be conscious of God. Third, there are those who seek God, feel God's love, look to the Lord, and devote themselves.

God’s children who live in this age are evangelists as well. Possessing that identity, you must create biblical, evangelical, and definite evangelism content like the evangelists who are recorded in the Bible and in church history. Abraham and Isaac were blessed with the wellsprings which was considered a great asset at that time. Those wells were prepared in advance and given to the children of God.

Jesus didn't instruct people to solve their problems. Instead, He told them to come as they were. Also, Jesus didn’t tell His disciples to have expertise. He simply said, “Follow me.” Furthermore, Jesus didn’t want to overwork them, He just wanted to be with them. The strength given at that time was spiritual strength. For those who believe in this fact, God will give all the authority in Heaven and on earth. In addition, through the blessing of the throne, God will be with them and give them power

You must be able to accomplish what nobody else can do(Nobody). In doing so, it’ll change to “Everybody.” You have to begin with nothing and save everything(Nothing → Everything). Furthermore, when you have a proper beginning, the correct ministry will take place and the right goal. You are people of God, called to do this work!!I pray for you and, I love you.  4/03/2021
