Covenant And The Future
“Impatience brings the fruits of Ishmael. Patience bears the fruits of Isaac.” Abraham received the covenant, but failed to wait and tried to obtain a son in a human way. Many problems occurred, even to this day. Moses, who heard the covenant, tried to save his people through violence, but it couldn't save the life of the slave, and eventually Moses fled to Midian.
God's work must always be done His way. When the Gospel message given by God becomes your imprints; roots; and nature, you’ll be able to see the future.
Right now, fields around the world are filled with disasters and calamities. In order to save those fields and this age, you must see and enjoy what God has prepared in advance.
Joseph deeply cherished his God-given covenant to the extent that it appeared in his dreams. Through the covenant, Joseph saw the future in advance. Even when He went into Potiphar’s house as a slave, he didn’t sway or shake because he remembered the future that would be fulfilled. Instead, he truly enjoyed God being with him in all circumstances. Later on, when Joseph was imprisoned, he enjoyed the mystery of being with God and experienced His amazing works.
Joseph was brought before Pharaoh to interpret his dreams. That incident became a path to do missions. Even in this field, Joseph received tremendous answers to the extent that Pharaoh himself exclaimed, “Can we find a man like this, in whom is the Spirit of God?” If you firmly hold onto the covenant like Joseph, you’ll see God’s works in advance and enjoy them in the field.
Remnants are the protagonists. Through the covenant of the Gospel, Remnants are those who will restore the family, fields, culture, and future generations.
You are the people of God, called as the protagonist of the blessing that opens all doors with the imprinted word of God!! I pray for you and I love you. 4/22/2021
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