Enlarging My Vessel

 Masterpieces are the result from great suffering and adversity. And just like this, you go through trials and tribulations to bear great results. Even if you are lacking in life, a person who is relaxed is prepared for anything that comes their way. Although at times there are upsetting events, a person of leisure is someone who considers the grace they were once shown. 

A person who accidentally chews stone while eating rice would weigh the quantity over the quality of it. They are people who are considerate. Think about whether or not your actions would do wrong unto others. Be considerate because you might have to face these people in the future someday.

Just because a person doesn't have a high paying job, doesn't mean they have a terrible personality. Someone who isn't affected by the ridiculing of such is a person who thinks ahead. For those who possess the position of this summit and testimony is beautiful.

Whenever Remnants hold onto the Word and pray, the Triune God works; the armies of angels move; and darkness is bound. While enjoying these blessings, Remnants must do the Gospel movement that will block spiritual problems and diseases around the world. Within the good and bad events that arise in your family, there are elements within them that will fulfill the Word. Joseph discovered his heavenly mandate inside his family problems. Jacob kept Joseph's heavenly mandate in mind which was eventually fulfilled.

Your God-given heavenly mandate will be fulfilled in the field. This is your “calling.” All the paths that Joseph took were fields that fulfilled his heavenly mandate. Through Joseph alone, answers that connected to world evangelization arose. Inside the heavenly mandate, calling, and mission, Remnants must challenge toward the work of establishing the Gospel within culture.

As a saved child of God, you possess a tremendous spiritual mystery. Inside of your reality, all of God's answers are hidden. Starting today, if you prepare the content that transcends all events and circumstances, all doors will open. You are people of God in this covenant!! I pray for you and I love you. 4/10/2021.
