My Values In Christ

 The value of a diamond is determined by four "C's." These are Color, Clarity, Cut and Carat Weight.

The world seems to evaluate people in the same way. The carat is what the person possesses. The cut determines the shape and appearance. The color the skin of individuals, and the cleanliness is how moral the conduct of a person may be. With these four aspects you can evaluate the world and determine popularity and fame . However, even if you have all of this, you cannot fill the empty spaces and limitations that exist in your heart.

There is just one more "C" that can completely fill and satisfy everything, without the effort of the worldly "C's". The fifth "C" has solved all the problems in life; His name is Christ.

Inside this one life that you must live, you must surely know the will of God. By doing so, you’ll discover what you need to do. From then on, your mission, internship, and forum will surface which in turn, will connect to scheduled prayer and deep prayer.

Before doing any visible work, you must first confirm that you’re an important person. In order to save Noah’s life, the mission to build the ark became his identity. Within God’s command to leave his country; kindred; father’s house; and to go to the land that God would show him, Abraham also confirmed his identity and relayed it to Isaac. When you confirm the reason for being called as a Remnant; a church officer; and a businessperson, you’ll discover what you need to relay.

If you’re truly within what God desires the most, there’s absolutely nothing to worry about. After Abraham, God’s Kingdom was established in Egypt through Joseph. Even now, Remnants who arise because of church officers who hold onto the covenant. Then rightfully, the field system will be created; the establishment of the Word system and the church officer system will follow; and answers to save the region and the world will arise.

You are people of God who have the value to change the world!! I pray for you and, I love you. 4/14/2021
