Set A Resolution

 Everything has a basic principle that should be followed. For example, there is an absolute value in math; an absolute pitch in music; and absolute zero in physics. These are the defaults in calculating everything.

Angels who participated in God's eternal and everlasting glory chose the other side and turned into enemies. Humans who possessed the eternal image of God chose the other side and were driven to corruption. Even the gospel, has been transformed into the shadow of religion. There is a need for people who are called by God to present the absolute value of Christ. People who with the covenant of Christ who will never change, nor be shaken in any situation because of the Gospel.

Remnants must discover in advance everything that is inside the covenant. In doing so and by looking at today, they can confirm many answers and discover what they must do for the rest of their lives.  The people who went on this journey are the Remnants of the Bible, and among them are Remnants who lived in the Babylonian era.

Daniel and his three friends had already known the reasons why the Israelites faced disasters. Although they were taken as captives, they knew in advance that it was the age of Remnants. For that reason, they firmly resolved; boldly stood before idols; and were victorious. In this manner, if Remnants resolve inside of the covenant, everything that they face will become opportunities.

Many incidents can arise on the journey for Remnants who have resolved. But no matter what happens, they mustn’t be deceived. Daniel was in the midst of a grave situation and faced imminent death. However, instead of panicking, he began prayer that would move the age. Afterward, God raised Cyrus as king; enabled the Israelites to return to Israel; and led the reconstruction of the temple just as He had planned.

Just like the Remnants of the age of Babylon, today’s Remnants must resolve to foresee visible situations inside of the Gospel and use them as the starting point. You are people of God, who will run errands for His work!! I pray for you and, I love you. 4/15/2021
