Arise And Shine

 The surface temperature of the sun is approximately 5,778 K. The internal temperature reaches 15 million kelvin. The amount of energy emitted in one second is so enormous that it could provide all humans on earth more than 1 million years of life. Light doesn't just illuminate but the core of light is life. Without light, there is no life.

Miracles, healing, and transformation occurs because there is the light of life in Jesus Christ after salvation. John said, "In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind." (John 1:4). In the midst of darkness; chaos; and void, God gave light. When the Israelites were colonized and held captive, God commanded them to arise and shine. Jesus Christ came as the light of the world. You who believe in this light have been called as a royal priesthood who will proclaim His marvelous light.

Whatever is placed in your thoughts and heart become imprinted in your brain. Eventually, whatever is imprinted in your brain will control your soul. Whenever you concentrate on God and enjoy the Trinity, this light will shine upon your soul. From then on, since God-given prayer topics form and the Word becomes fulfilled in your life, you’ll naturally stand as a witness. That’s why you must continue to pray to enjoy the light of Christ so that prayer or the lampstand remains lit.

This is an age when far too many sick people, problems, and broken relationships are in need of healing through the Gospel. That’s why Remnants and the church must arise and carry out their roles by shining the light of Jesus Christ to those who have never heard the Gospel. God changes the world through His children who fulfill these roles.

You are people of God, called to be His children of light in this age!! I pray for you and I love you. 5/15/2021. 
