Experts In The Gospel

 It is a new day and age. Relationships can be established, you can learn new things, and become a recognized figure regardless of your social status or possessions.

Those who think of the future have created machines that surpass the work of tens of thousands of people. The earth can be traveled back and forth due to those who dreamt of seeing the future.

Remnants must develop their specialty by finding their potential hidden talents God has given.

If people possess a great sense of specialty, they’re more likely to suffer from more serious spiritual problems. Not only do they rely on medication, there are even those who are unable to function properly on a daily basis. Even worse, because they’re very successful, they don’t openly exhibit these problems. Those with a sense of specialty must hold onto the covenant and take the concept of seeing the entire stream of life as their expertise.

In doing so, they’ll be in the church and business field according to the time schedule that God desires. In addition, they’ll witness the works of the Early Church when 3,000 disciples arose. Furthermore, they’ll experience the start of true missions that occurred through tribulations and the works of transcending time and space through prayer

You must pray that your specialty will be used for “only Gospel” in accordance with God’s time schedule. You must also see your God-given special covenant. At the same time, if you become more modest within the Gospel, you’ll discover answers that only you can accomplish. In doing so, Satan will kneel before you, and you’ll discover the time schedule that was hidden from long ages past.

You are the people of God, who will overcome all the problems in the field with the eyes of the Gospel and conquer the world with your speciality!! I pray for you and, I love you. 5/17/2021
