God’s Attention

 God makes like minded people meet. Those are happy meet others who are happy. Those who possess life meet others who possess life. God allows those who love the Gospel, meet others who love the Gospel. 

God only answers those who know the truth. A person who knows problems of mankind accurately with an accurate answer is desperately needed.

The empty places in the 237 nations that have never heard the Gospel and the conditions of TCKs (Third Culture Kids) who have many scars are becoming more severe. This calls for the production of theologians and pastors who know the correct Gospel. The proper theology and Gospel are desperately required for a wholesome ministry .


The U.S. is a field where people from all over the world gather. Multiethnic people cannot be saved by the limited scale of a schedule found in a church. RU headquarters was established where training will be done for Remnants and not churches. Through proper devotion and church offering, God desires to give the answer of “only Christ” to multiethnic people bound by Satan all over the world.

The journey of RU is the same as Paul’s journey. God attached prepared disciples (Lydia, Priscilla, and Jason) to Paul on his journey. God will help pastors with the true Gospel and the future generations be clothed with “only Christ” and save the empty places and the Remnants throughout the world.

You are people of God, who will be used in the works of saving 237 nations, local leaders, and future generations!! I pray for you and, I love you. 5/13/2021
