Stand As A Healer In The Field

 When Christ is in you, your shortcomings are healed and made perfect. Your weaknesses become stronger, you become wiser, and your incompetence and helplessness are healed with spiritual strength. This is known as grace. When the Lord is in you, miracles happen. You cannot create those miracles, but because Jesus Christ lives in you and gives you transcendental life, you end up living a life where miracles are possible every day.

You can equally say that when the Lord dwells in you, His Word does too. It means that the glory of only Christ, the kingdom of God, and the Holy Spirit dwells in you. God called you with this blessed Gospel as the main figure who will change will change your incorrect imprints, roots, and nature. He will set you up in the field where spiritual problems have not been resolved.

God desires to first give you the power to heal. If you understand the Gospel; prayer; and evangelism, you’ll enjoy the mystery of the Triune God that was hidden for long ages past. Through this power, you can heal individuals; fields; and the age. Those who enjoy prayer that connects the Gospel and the throne will become the main figures of healing and will connect their professions to 237 missions.

Daniel and his fellow captives healed Babylon and laid the foundation for rebuilding the temple. Paul and his team healed and saved Rome which had been completely controlled by Satan. Your prayer will transcend time and space and will be fulfilled. All you need to do is hold onto the covenant and enter deep prayer. As a result, your profession will become a missions’ tool that will saves the 237 nations.

You are the people of God, who will be used in the work of healing that achieves the greatest victory today!! I pray for you and, I love you. 5/22/2021
