Those Who Holds The Future
A good farmer says, "I hold a seed in my hand and listen to the birds." This is a person who dreams of a future where there might be a place to cultivate. A place where trees would grow, leaves fall, fruits hang, and birds can perch. Super powered nations who were proud of their history, and also the world's leading companies have fallen one after the other. It was all due to not having the ability to follow the trend. They missed the opportunity to open up the future, and went bankrupt or were closed down. This is a perfect example where only those who know the flow and those who embrace the future can triumph.
Until now, out of all the kings and soldiers of the world, David received the greatest answers because he had the content to receive answers. David survived even without anyone’s help because he believed that God was with him. David broke his frames; changed his thoughts; and thereby found God’s answers. He made decisions that saved people; received spiritual strength inside of crises; and won without fighting. Even in impossible situations like the desert and wilderness, David believed in God’s absolute sovereignty and discovered His plan.
If you can pray right now, you’ll be fine in any situation. If your brain, spirit, and thoughts become imprinted with the Gospel, the power of the Gospel will appear in your fields. During worship time, you’ll receive strength; during praise time, the forces of darkness will crumble; and during prayer time, the field will be transformed. In the end, you’ll find the content to save the empty and abandoned fields.
Your spirit will become imprinted with the Gospel and your brain will be revived during the time when you give worship to God. You’ll also enjoy the answer of “re-creation,” forces of darkness will flee, and God will give you answers regarding your current problems. You are people of God, who will hold onto this eternal covenant that will be fulfilled in advance!! I pray for you and, I love you. 5/01/2021
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