Am I Enjoying The Immanuel?

 You can see people nowadays have little patience, narrow-minded when it comes to being generous, and simultaneously are more rushed to do things. Their behavior has become destructive. What is true happiness in this fast paced world? History has been made by those who drew out their dreams. The goal of making the best of today is to hold on to the word of the covenant, change your imprints, root, and nature. Build the kingdom of Immanuel which saves the society, the nation, and the world through a wonderful life, family, and church.

Joshua and Caleb, who had spied out Canaan in advance, gave a report that didn’t make any sense. Rather, the report given by the other ten people was more valid. But in the end, Joshua and Caleb were the only ones who entered Canaan.

God has been and will be with you from eternity to eternity. He sent Jesus as the Christ and completely solved the problems of Hell, Satan, and disasters. You must enjoy these blessings every day and make them your priority in life. In addition, answers regarding your academics and businesses must also come from here.

Whenever the nation of Israel encountered crises and disasters, God restored them through the blessing of Immanuel. The Israelites who had fallen into slavery held onto the covenant that “God is with us.” Even though they again lost hold of the covenant and became captives, the phrase, “those who dwell in the Word” remained. When they became colonized by Rome, the members of the Early Church restored the “Word.”

You must always respond sensitively to the Word and choose everything with the eyes of the Gospel. You are people of God, who will hold this covenant and save the age!! I pray for you and, I love you. 6/25/2021
