Build The Foundation Of The Gospel

 The famous Tower of Pisa (Torre di Pisa) in Italy is tilted by 5.5 degrees, making viewers slightly nervous. A 58-story skyscraper, called the Millennium Tower in San Francisco, was completed in 2008 is sinking and tilting in the heart of San Francisco.

What caused these problems? It was because the foundation wasn't properly built. The structures and their foundations were repositioned at a higher cost than when they were first built in its entirety. What are the painful lessons? Disaster can ensue when the foundation is not strong. People also have to re-establish their foundation in Christ to win in all fields.

Nobody wants to be worried and troubled. However, we have become imprinted with anxiety and emptiness that comes from the root of disbelief that started during our embryonic stage. The Triune God is alive right now and fulfilling His Work. When you meditate on the status and background given to the child of God, you will realize that you have no reason to worry. Your reasons to worry will disappear as you make the blessings of God’s heavenly throne - the heavenly armies and angels that carry out God’s will and the forces of darkness that crumble as your own.

God opened the way of salvation through Jesus Christ. God’s saved children can enjoy His Kingdom in their lives today. God is with them, leads them through the Holy Spirit, and listens to their prayers.

there are just too many people who are spiritually desolate; have broken hearts; and possess diseased thoughts. Only the Gospel can bring them back to life. You are people of God, who have been called for this mission!! I pray for you and, I love you. 6/07/2021   
