God's promise

 Ralph Bunche was a famous American politician who was the first black American to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1950. After graduating from Harvard University with a doctorate in political science, Ralph Bunche worked extensively in mediating world conflicts in the United Nations.

He became orphaned at the age of 12 and lived with his maternal grandmother Lucy Johnson, who became a religious and spiritual support for young Ralph Bunche. In the book titled, "Believe in Yourself," there were many passages that were worth noting.

She emphasized not to ask, "Would you like to give it a try?" But rather to state, "I can give it a try." In order to achieve anything, you have to have confidence. These words from his grandmother continued to change the life of Ralph Bunche and eventually made him a great politician.

When a person is created, there are always important characters and influences behind them in life. What should be the epicenter of the faith of Remnants?

God’s promises aren’t vague or ambiguous. God gives you specific promises through His Word and shows you realistic directions that you must take. That’s why you must make actual preparations to save the age that has fallen into disasters because of its ignorance of the Gospel. 

Prayers of lamentation and resentment regarding works that didn’t go your way must be quickly discarded. Instead, God desires prayers that seek His guidance and protection. As you meditate on the Gospel, enjoy the mystery of the forgiveness of sins; curses that have been removed; disasters that have been disposed of; and receive God-given grace.

As you deeply enjoy your status and authority as a child of God, you must leave evidence behind as data. You must be equipped with content that can save people around the world who are spiritually desolate, emotionally sick, and mentally unstable because they are unaware of the Gospel.

If you are able to hold onto God who saved you and make the blessings of the throne as yours even during hardships, you will be able to leave behind a commemorative monument before the posterity.


You are people of God, who will leave a masterpieces of this covenant!! I pray, I love you. 6/11/2021
