I Am In The Eternal Covenant

 On the morning of January 16, 2009, a US Air plane carrying 155 passengers crashed into the Hudson River, 4 minutes after takeoff. The cause was due to a malfunction somewhere. Fortunately, the aircraft didn't sink into the water and landed on the surface. All passengers were rescued safely.

This wouldn't have been possible without the best pilots. The pilot was Sullenberger, who had a record of the longest flight time of 19,000 hours. He had more than 10,000 hours of flying experience and saved 155 lives in desperate times. There is a need for an eternal covenant beyond 10,000 hours.

Several tribes blocked the Israelites’ journey on the wilderness path. Even in your life that seems like the wilderness, there will often be times when your path is blocked and works don’t take place according to your will. Even if your environment seems hopeless and situations are completely different from what you desire, they aren’t problems. You must keep in mind that the greatest crisis is a broken heart that stems from discouragement and unbelief. 

During the most difficult and painful times in your life, God wants you to change the subject of faith into Him.

Even after receiving salvation, you might still be accustomed to living a life that has nothing to do with the Word. Although you listen to it every day, you might uncover that the Word and your “real life” aren’t connected at all. 

God wants His children to gain spiritual strength and realize His absolute plan.

When you believe in God’s power and pray, the spiritual world moves. No matter what the circumstances or environment may be, you’ll undeniably survive and experience God’s power to create paths and rivers in the wilderness and save your fields.

You are the people of God, who have this covenant!! I pray for you and I love you. 6/29/2021
