Let's Restore The Economy Of Light

 I visited the birthplace of American automobile king Henry Ford. It could be seen that Ford was a man of faith, of globalization, and his thoughts were futuristic. Henry Ford developed the method of mass production by introducing a conveyor belt to the work line. It was an industrial system that produced 30 ton class B-24-E bombers per hour in a factory which measured over 800 meters. This eventually ended the second World War. It became the foundation that led the Allied Forces to victory.

Ford advocated a philosophy of working hard, high-wages, and shorter labor time. Many of the backers at the time said that cars should be made in small quantities and used as luxury for only a certain group of people. However, Ford produced as many cars as possible via mass production so that everyone can own a car. He emphasized this to the day he retired. With people like Ford, the United States was able to become the world's economic powerhouse. What should be the future economy of an evangelist?

The economy of light refers to resources that save individuals which is only possible through the Gospel. Through the economy of light, God wants church officers to save individuals, the field, and the future. The Israelites who had been colonized were in a state that of absolute impossibility. Even though Roman and Jewish laws existed, they were useless. The answer of changing what was in a state of absolute impossibility into absolute possibility could only take place through Acts 1:1, 3, and 8. From that point on, the mission of the future economy (assets) to save the church began.

For church officers, God has prepared the blessing of the economy of light and has instructed them to go to all nations, people, and to the end of the earth. Because of that one person who’s inside the stream of establishing the Gospel, many people will be saved. In addition, the works of the Holy Spirit being established daily in churches and homes will arise. The devotion and offerings given by church officers will open new doors to missions and the blessing of seeing Rome will arise just as it had occurred for the church at Antioch.

Not only is the economy of light connected to the correct evangelism and missions’ movement, it is directly related to the healing, Summit, and 237 movements prepared for Remnants. Through these church officers, God will begin the business and industry regarding talented and gifted individuals You are people of God and are in this flow!! I pray for you and, I love you. 6/14/2021
