The One Who Goes Ahead

 In the winter of 1776, General George Washington faced one of the fiercest battles at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. That winter was particularly cold, and the supply was delayed. It was to the extent that the neighbors were in an unfriendly state toward the general.

With his soldiers demoralized, Washington told his soldiers: "These are the times that try men’s souls; the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." And in the end, this battle led him to victory in the independence war of America.

There are times when you cannot escape your anxieties regarding your future. Furthermore, the present reality seems to make a greater impact on you than spiritual truths. When you look at yourself and the environment, your eyes become solely focused on the conditions that don’t work.

Through Moses, God made promises to the Israelites and constantly reminded them. Those who believed in that Word weren’t deceived by reality. They didn’t grasp at something vague because they had lost their senses. Instead, those who saw and possessed God’s Word in advance enjoyed what God had prepared ahead of time. They even enjoyed Canaan conquest and tasted Word fulfillment before they entered Canaan.

The people who prepared to enter into Canaan as they held onto the Word were different from the people who argued that Canaan was too strong to be infiltrated. They took the Word they received from God into the field and realistically enjoyed it in their lives. They realized their God-given mission in the Word and discovered what they needed to do in their today. Today, examine yourself to see whether you’re standing in the place of Joshua and Caleb or the other spies.

Even if you have little or no background, it won’t matter if God is with you. Those who believe in that spiritual fact will help and save people wherever they go. You are people of God, who have this covenant!! I pray for you and, I love you. 6/05/2021
