Raise Your Spiritual Level

 42nd Street in Manhattan is home to some of the world's largest jewelers. They are all clustered together. There was a Korean jeweler who worked there and spoke with me once in a while. One day he had a question for me. He asked, "Pastor, did you know that very expensive jewelry is often sold by thieves to steal?"

He said, "No matter how good the jewelry they sell is, they don't cost more than five hundred dollars. Buying for cheap and selling it is what brings in the profit. I can't seem to deceive others and sell it because I believe in Jesus. If I say I don't want to buy it then the swindlers look at me like an idiot and then bring it to the jeweler next door. I'm devastated every time something like that happens." I didn't know what to say, so I responded, “Deacon, think of it this way would you rather buy the products of those swindlers to build a church or to give it as offering? “And we have shared the words of Proverbs 1:1-5, which is to be wise, just, prudent, and honest”.

There are organizations that influence the entire world through various sectors such as culture, arts, finance, jewelry, and the munitions industry. With the background of the forces of darkness, they’re advancing and expanding day by day. Joseph’s master who didn’t know God saw that everything prospered because the Lord was with Joseph. He left all his possessions in Joseph’s hands, and from then on, God blessed the owner’s house through Joseph. When you remember God who is with you and confess your faith today, God’s plan will be carried out.

Those who have a background don’t easily fall into discouragement or waver because they have a background that they can rely on. Although Pharaoh who observed Joseph didn’t believe in God, he proclaimed that Joseph was a man in whom was the Spirit of God. God who can do everything works beyond time and space and guides His children. You are people of God, who will enjoy being with Him to testify the influence of the gospel!! I pray for you and, I love you. 7/12/2021
