The Conscientious

 The philosopher Pascal put it this way in Pensees, "Man must not be allowed to believe that he is equal either to animals or to angels, nor to be unaware of either, but he must know both."

Humans try to live with goodness and with a conscientious. The word conscience comes from the Latin conscientia (to be with). A state of being “together” should exist for everyone. A politician should be a person who thinks and understands with the people. An educator should be a person who thinks about the true future of the country with their students. Believers should be together in the flow of the Word and prayer, not the flow of life in the world.

If your plans and assertions are ahead of God's will and plans, it will be difficult to communicate with God. Prayer is asking questions regarding God's absolute plan and His time schedule to fulfill it. Through Sunday worship and daily meditation time, you must continue to seek what God needs. There was a time when Hannah grumbled and moaned why others had sons and she didn’t. Hannah's prayers completely changed after learning that there were many sons belonging to this house and that family, but there weren’t any Nazarites who knew about God’s power to save the nation.

For Hannah, who sought after God’s need for the age and His absolute plan, God gave her Samuel. From early childhood, Samuel was separated from his mother and lived in the temple where he lied down next to the Ark of the Covenant and heard God’s voice. God saved the nation and the age through Hannah and Samuel.

You are people of God who will be used in His absolute plan looking forward to this age and future!! I pray for you and, I love you. 8/10/2021
