Fighting The Darkness

 The Wright Brothers invented the flying airplane in 1903 because they wished to fly. The steam locomotive was invented in 1814 by George Stephenson, who hoped to transport goods easily.

A person who has the value of "only" can do things that no one else can. They are able to do things together without having others see. They are always present, where no one else can reach and, they can do things no one else can think of. This is possible because you are dwelling in the absolute answer, have the best commission and reach for great success.

Remnants must be able to see two platforms. The first is the platform where people gather in the culture of idol worship. The second is the platform where people do not gather in the place where God sees Remnants must see both of these platforms simultaneously in order to move the world. 

Remnants must be equipped with knowledge and power that transcend powerful nations. Remnants must know the mystery of the Triune God being with them and of spiritual beings. In addition, they must know their status and authority that receive the blessing of the throne, and worship which are the answers and solutions to everything.

Wherever Remnants go, darkness is bound. Furthermore, Remnants must be commissioned as spiritual doctors, ambassadors of Christ, and watchmen to heal the 237 nations, relay their skills, and restore culture. The 237, healing, and Summit movements are the platforms that God needs the most.

God told Moses and Joshua what they had already received. Likewise, Remnants have already received the answer of seeing in advance, enjoying in advance, and conquering in advance. If Remnants focus on prayer and worship, they can confirm these answers every day.

You are the people of God with this answer!! I pray for you and I love you. 8/31/2021
