Spiritual Summit

 There is a Polynesian Cultural Center in Hawaii. This center exhibits the traditional cultures of six countries centered around the South Pacific. It exposes the various traditional cultures of the South Pacific. It is run by the Mormon Foundation, and participates in regional development as a non-profit cultural center by establishing a university.

What is unique is that they recruit talented people from Southeast Asian countries, and help them with full scholarships to universities. Eventually they serve in Polynesian Cultural Center and work part-time, meanwhile expanding Mormonism. The three organizations (Free Masons, New Age, Jewish people) and other religious groups support the university elite and through the Nephilim movement (transcendental meditation), create masterpieces that will conquer the culture.

The Spiritual Summit has a different set of eyes to see and interpret the field. Likewise, whenever the 7 Remnants of the Bible faced difficulties in their families and churches, they weren’t resentful. Instead, they prayed and asked God the reasons why He had allowed those situations and what His plans were. Similarly, you must be equipped with the mindset of a Spiritual Summit.

If you enjoy “Spiritual Summit Time,” incidents will absolutely arise. They might seem like problems and disasters that cause hardships, but conversely, they are opportunities to receive answers. God wants you to go beyond just skills and become the Summit who saves the culture. God’s absolute goal is for you to stand as a witness of the Gospel in the field of longstanding diseases. You are people of God, who will lead the covenant journey with the 5 powers (spiritual, intellectual, physical, economic, interpersonal) through prayer!! I pray for you and I love you. 8/09/2021
