Answers Of The Summit

 The world is engulfed in fear by the coronavirus that spread in 2020. People are quarantined, airports are closed to protect their country, and large-scale events and gatherings have been canceled. Even people who live in places where there are no infections are terrified of getting infected.

Anxiety expert Graham Davey said, "News from the negative media make people more anxious and depressed." Live with it.”

There are those who know the reason why God has called them within the answer of the Summit. In addition, they know that the field they are in is the seat of the Summit and will begin to equip themselves with the Summit attitude and vessel. From that point on, the answer of the throne will be established and the answer that transcends time and space will begin. The heroes of faith in the Bible were people who went through great hardships. However, they weren’t born great, but rather ordinary. Nevertheless, within their struggles, they thought differently.

First, they remembered that the Triune God was with them. In addition, their identity, authority, and background were eternal.

Next, you must discover hidden secrets in crisis with a knowledge of spiritual facts. You must be able to gain strength wherever you go. You must be victorious and stand as a summit that achieves the works of re-creation of uniqueness. Nothing should be too hard to reach. Knowing God's absolute plan, you must turn all wasteland into good soil.

Finally, you must see God's absolute sovereignty, Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, the Word, and the work that will be accomplished through you as God's temple.

When you choose different thoughts and choose within great difficulties, you can enjoy the answers of victory without fighting with confidence that the world cannot give.

When you live with this kind of thinking, you will be victorious in life even in the midst of a crisis. You are people of God, who have been called to be the protagonists of history!! I pray for you and, I love you. 9/16/2021
