Blessing Of Space And Time
The moment you receive a diamond necklace as a gift, you would be thrilled. But a few days later your brain will no longer feel surprised or happy. It means that the feeling of joy or excitement decreases sharply.
As a spiritual being, nothing in the world can satisfy the soul. Only when the empty void in life is filled with God, the creator, can true joy be restored and the work of healing take place.
When you enjoy the throne that God rules over as your background and start praying, the blessing that overcomes the forces of darkness and transcends time and space will begin. At this time, the economy of light will be restored because the answer of the throne will begin in your occupation. Those who possess those answers are the spiritual watchmen, doctors, and ambassadors.
Jesus spoke about the healing of Jerusalem and the church that was built on the roots of religion. He said to heal Judah which had believers and churches that needed healing, Samaria which had heretic religions that strayed away from the Gospel, and the Gentiles who were at the end of the earth. Healing all these fields is possible only through the power of the throne. Because the works of God’s Kingdom are only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit.
By using the culture of darkness, shamans and fortunetellers have taken over the fields and people. That’s why God, who has all authority in Heaven and on earth, wants to fulfill the work of His Kingdom through you. All you need to do is wait for the reason to heal the culture and the answer that’ll be fulfilled according to the covenant. God will certainly work to save the 237 nations and the 5,000 people groups through you.
Right now, this age is carrying out the 2nd Tower of Babel movement, the transcendental meditation movement, and because of incorrect healing, greater spiritual problems have arisen. That’s why a complete healing, a healing to return to normalcy, and spiritual healing are necessary. You are people of God, who will be used in this age!! I pray for you and, I love you. 9/21.2021.
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