Deep Thoughts

 The Israelites observed three feasts after entering the land of Canaan. They were the Passover, the Feast of Wheats, and the Feast of Ingathering. The Passover (the Gospel) was what transformed an impossible life from 430 years of slavery in Egypt into an absolutely possible life.

If you don’t know why people perish, you’ll never find peace and satisfaction, and you won’t be able to prevent or solve personal problems and disasters that come to your family. Although the Israelites were liberated from Egypt, their wilderness life seemed to have no end in sight. That was because, despite being completely freed from slavery regarding sin; death; and the power of Satan, their nature of unbelief persisted.

God made them stay in the wilderness to break their imprints concerning self-centered thoughts, their love of material wealth, their craving for success, and their delusion of living without God that were imprinted in their brains. In other words, God wanted them to reflect on the meaning of Passover every day.

When the Gospel becomes imprinted in you through worship and the Word takes root and heals your life, those influences will undoubtedly be relayed to others. Every moment, when you confirm that you’ve been chosen by God, you’ll be able to enjoy Jesus Christ, His Kingdom, and the filling of the Holy Spirit.

use all problems, works, and meetings as opportunities to truly stand before Him. It will be the best environment to be trained as the Spiritual Summit. You are people of God, who will look at all these problems from a new perspective and turn them into blessings!! I pray for you and I love you. 9/25/2021 
