Focus on God
Scientists know Earth is at a great distance to benefit from the sun's heat. If Earth were a little closer, all the water would have evaporated like Venus. If it were a little further away, everything would have frozen like on Mars.
The Earth is also just the right size to have the right amount of gravity. If gravity were less than it is, the Earth would have been as weightless as the moon, and would have been bleak and uninhabitable.
The conditions of Earth contain the exquisite and perfect design of God. He is the the most accurate architect.
The number of patients suffering from depression bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and people suffering from schizophrenia who often cause crimes and accidents has increased significantly. Doctors usually prescribe medication that controls the neurotransmitters released by the brain. However, in most cases, symptoms reappear if medication is not taken. Remedying symptoms and saving lives are fundamentally different accounts.
Because people are spiritual beings, if their souls become diseased, then their hearts and minds will become weakened and inevitably break down. The only way for the soul to survive is by focusing on God.
Because the Word is God, meditating on His Word and praying is meeting God face to face. That may seem simple, but most people are in a divided state and unable to focus their thoughts and hearts on God. When the heart, mind, and body have “Oneness” toward God, healing will absolutely occur. This is the only method to save the posterity.
You are people of God, who have the answer to heal!! I pray for you and, I love you. 9/30/2021
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