
 Symphony No. 9 composed by Ludwig van Beethoven in 1824, was a masterpiece, the first to include a human voice among many symphonies. It was the most impressive and grandiose composition. Two conductors needed to be present when performing this song. The first conductor was Beethoven and the other was Umlauf. The audience was surprised because Beethoven couldn't hear but he conducted by just reading the sheet music along with Umlauf. This song is the most sung and performed among symphonies. It is a praise to glorify the eternal God who gives salvation. It is the hymn "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee.” Itis a praise that will resound forever.

The righteous have no choice but to praise the Lord, and praise itself is the greatest blessing. David, who was the king of kings, enjoyed praise enough to say, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!” Furthermore, the Lord presence is found in praises, they contain spiritual power, and works of evil spirits departing arise.

Even in the midst of darkness; emptiness; and chaos, you were predestined and saved by God. For you, who were bound to perish, God promised, “I will send the offspring of the woman to crush the serpent’s head.” God then hid and protected you in the ark. This is why you must praise Jehovah.

God had liberated the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and protected them from the various hardships and sufferings that they encountered on the wilderness path. As you remember this, praise Jehovah. And when you give praise, God will always be with you in the fields, and you’ll be able to enjoy the background of the throne for all eternity.

God also gave you the blessings of your status and authority. Without a doubt, you must give thanksgiving to God and glorify Him through praise 24 hours. You are people of God, who will transmit this history to the ends of the earth!! I pray for you and I love you. 9/28/2021
