The Covenant Journey

 George Whitefield was one of the greatest and most gifted preachers in history, traveling between England and America. He preached outdoors to accommodate large crowds. Each time he received criticism and hindrance from many non-Christians to preach only inside the church buildings.

Whitefield's answer to the harsh criticism of the people was well expressed this way.

“I am content to wait till the judgement day for the clearing up of my reputation. and after I am dead I desire no other epitaph than this, “Here lies G.W. What sort of man he was the great day will discover.”

Whitefield was a man who kept his will and strategy of his faith unwavering despite any obstacles and circumstances.

Jethro didn’t help Moses because he was his son-in-law. It was an extremely dangerous risk for Jethro, a Gentile, to accept Moses as his son-in-law and protect him in Midian for 40 years; however, for Jethro, God’s covenant was the most important to him.

In this world which emphasizes to place yourself, your children, and your belongings first in order to gain success, you must be able to see the hidden mystery of the Gospel and God’s desires within His Word.

Jethro was a hidden co-worker during the Exodus. When Moses said that he would go to Egypt to meet Pharaoh, if Jethro thought about the safety of his daughter and grandchildren first, he would’ve never agreed with Moses’ decision. Instead, Jethro told Moses to go in peace and helped him in doing God’s work. In addition, Jethro proposed the system of appointing chiefs of thousands; hundreds; fifties; and tens, and supported Moses so that he could wisely lead the Israelites.

For today’s Remnants who live with the mission of relaying that Jesus is the Christ to the nations and unreached people groups which will always open up encounters and the future regardless of the circumstances.

You are people of God, who will go on this covenant journey!!  I pray for you and, I love you. 9/10/2021
