The Prayer
The movie “Hacksaw Ridge” is a true story based on an American soldier Desmond Doss and his heroic deed. He wasn't able to kill people according to his convictions. He risked his life as an combat medic to save the lives of his wounded comrades.
Doss received the Medal of Honor on October 12, 1945. “Doss did not seek shelter and hide, but instead carried his wounded comrades to the cliff one by one in the engulfed battlefield." He made history by transporting 75 wounded off the cliff away from the enemy camp.
Leaders who possess the Gospel to save the world, their families, and family lines mustn’t have any reasons or excuses. Furthermore, those who hold onto the covenant and see the works of Satan in the field don’t lose hold of the stream of their personal Word, their prayer system, and the blessings of the Spiritual Summit. Problems are bound to come, but it’s vital to have a spiritual condition that can overcome those issues. Ultimately, leaders must discover answers within their problems.
The 7 Remnants (Joseph, Moses, Samuel, David, Isaiah, Elisha, and Paul) faced unusually great difficulties; however, because they saw an age that lacked the covenant and the works of Satan. Those people who caused hardships became doors of answers, and conversely, the 7 Remnants received the blessing of saving them.
When you accurately hold onto the covenant, it’ll become an answer. Then, you will stand as a witness. As a person of true answers, you’ll walk on journey of life that relays solutions to everyone. You will receive the answer of the Summit who will relay answers to kings like Joseph. In doing so, you’ll discover “only” in your work field and can wait for the answer of “uniqueness.” In addition, you’ll also discover that the answer of “re-creation.”
If a person of prayer is within the stream, a path will be seen and answers; solutions; and correct answers will arise and an important future will be revealed. By doing so, you’ll stand as a leader who is both subjective and objective, rational and spiritual, and possesses God’s absolute plan. You are people of God, who will hold this covenant!! I pray for you and, I love you. 9/15/2021
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