With practice, it takes time to reach success. People are quick to make decisions, but very few take responsibility for those decisions. For those who do wait for fruition of those decisions cannot end up seeing them through. It's hard to become the best because there are many battles you have to fight with yourself to reach the top.
So how long will it take? In general, it's said that 10,000 hours of practice is required. 10,000 hours calculates to approximately 3 hours a day, 20 hours a week, and a total of 10 years, which needs to be invested. What should you do after completing this basic step? You must endlessly challenge yourself and compete against others. However, God resolved the eternal problems of sin, curse, and death in Genesis 3 and granted complete salvation. He's given the status of becoming His children who can inherit the world.
As promised, God saved the Israelites who placed the blood of the lamb on their doorposts and completely abolished their status as slaves. God doesn’t just love you to the point of death. No matter what the circumstances may be, God wants you to remember the mystery of salvation and enjoy it in your life. He wants you to confirm that the power of darkness can no longer destroy you, that the background of Heaven and the power of the Holy Spirit are your status, and that problems and suffering will no longer deeply affect you.
The wilderness journey includes the Red Sea, and that journey will end only after crossing it. Right now, when it seems like nothing is taking place and circumstances aren’t improving, God will make sure that you’ll cross it. The purpose of these evidences and experiences is to set up a monument for the people of the world to see and for the posterity to know. You are a person of God who will testify to all nations that He is truly alive.
Those who believe that God is with you through the blessing of His throne cannot be stopped. You will be victorious in any circumstance. You are people of God, in this covenant!! I pray for you and, I love you. 10/09/2021
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