Economy Of Light
People who chase money are said to be money-crazed. A person who only keeps money and doesn't use it on others is called a scrooge. A person who wastes money carelessly is called a fool. A person who cannot make money is said to be helpless. A person who doesn't make money and doesn't make any effort is said to have no hope. A person who works and accumulates money but doesn't know how to enjoy life is said to be without wisdom.
Jewish parents will take their child to a cliff, have the child grab hold of a branch that is sticking out, then tell the child to let go. One hand represents God and the other hand represents the economy. This is a way to imprint that they must firmly hold onto both as if their lives depend on it.
Like King Saul, most people live for family or personal benefits. However, David testified that there wasn’t a need to live like King Saul. If you possess the true covenant, you don’t need the king’s help, and you don’t have to fear death. The powerless Early Church utilized the Gospel and received the blessing of conquering Rome.
Presently, many people are conflicted over money and in extreme cases, commit crimes because of it. However, the Bible states that the people of the covenant are those who possess the economy of light so they should cancel the debts of those who are indebted.
You must remember that God’s covenant given since the time of Abraham is steadfast and His Word will be surely fulfilled. God will grant the economy of light to those who hold on to the covenant to save the church and future generations.
You are people of God, on this covenant journey!!! I pray for you and I love you. 10/23/2021
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