The Economy Of Light

You can tell a person's character by how they spend their money. A person who is stingy and saves their money feels horrible spending it. A person with lots of money doesn't know the value of hard earned money. They indulge in luxury and pride, eventually becoming slaves to money. In today's materialistic age, more and more people don't know what to do for money.

Even if this is not the case, many people live their lives dominated by money. If you live under the rule of money, that money is considered useless. However, if you check why, where, what, and how to spend even the smallest amount of money, it becomes useful. The nation of Israel has received God's answer of the economy of light and has taken control of the entire world.

The economy of light refers to the restoration of God’s original blessings. God solely created people in His own image and commanded them, “Subdue and rule the earth (Genesis 1:27~28)."  Furthermore, wherever Remnants were, they revived those dying fields, and were instructed to enjoy what they had already been given (Joshua 1:1~9)

Tithing saves the church, the world, and society. Remnants, as spiritual Levites, must light the lamp, the church be equipped with strength and ability to take care of widows and orphans, and prepare to overcome the Nephilim economy of the three organizations that have conquered business and industry. In addition, Remnants must begin praying for the 5th Industrial Revolution which is a harbinger of serious spiritual illnesses that will arise.

The Remnants in the Bible gave a tenth of their possessions as tithing. Starting today, you must prepare your vessel that can receive economic blessings to the extent of saving the world and helping evangelists.

You are people of God, who will be used in this covenant!! I pray for you and, I love you. 10/16/2021
