Child of God
British physicist Stephen William Hawking, who claimed that physics is able to answer all of the essential questions about the existence of the universe, dies at the age of 75. He claimed, "Philosophy is dead, no god is needed. Philosophers have not kept up with modern developments in science. Particularly physics." In his last book he wrote, “There is no God. No one created the universe and no one directs our fate." His argument was that physics can now explain all the essential questions about the existence of the universe. He lived a life of opposing the God of creation while studying the universe. His funeral service was given based on Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. His ashes were buried in the Westminster Abbey in the Scientists' Corner, between Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin.
The confrontation between light and darkness, and all the theories raised against the Creator face limitations and are futile. Remnants must seek out everything that was lost to Genesis 3.
If God’s children don’t know His plans and desires, they’ll get confused; wander; and won’t be able to lead the world. In the end, they’ll live as slaves to the forces of darkness. For those reasons, God’s children must open their eyes to see the Word. If they possess values centered on self; material wealth; and success, they can never meet God or save the world. In order to remind the Israelites about all the disasters they had seen when they came out of Egypt, God made the Israelites go on the wilderness journey to change their hearts; thoughts; and souls through His Word. In doing so, they entered the promised land of Canaan in order to save the age and the entire world.
Many problems, such as personal scars; the spiritual background of the family line; and the culture of unbelief that permeates the times. Furthermore, issues such as depression; anxiety; schizophrenia, as well as unspeakable hidden problems can only be solved by meeting God. Only He can give the power to overcome the forces of darkness; the environment; the field; and unbelief.
When you open your eyes in the morning and before you go to sleep at night, you just need to focus on God and receive power that only He can give. Those who possess that power will stand as witnesses and testify that Jesus is the Christ to those who don’t know the Gospel.
When you open your eyes in the morning and before you go to sleep at night, you just need to focus on God and receive power that only He can give. Those who possess that power will stand as witnesses and testify that Jesus is the Christ to those who don’t know the Gospel! I pray for you, and I love you. 11/10/2021.
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