Forefathers Of Faith
The forefathers of faith, who never wavered or frustrated in the midst of numerous crises and difficulties, had a unique secret to winning.
They went through many difficult fields along the journey of life and saw the exact fulfillment of the Word. They were able to hold on to the covenant of the Word. They were guided by the Holy Spirit to win every day, and finally reached the summit. The secret they had was the prayer of holding on to the covenant.
If God’s Kingdom is established, no one will be able to harm God's children and no circumstance or crisis will cause them to fall. That is called the answer of “uniqueness” which is the power and mystery that only God can give.
Those who believe in this fact can uncover all answers during worship service when they hear the Word of “only Gospel.” In addition, during the quiet and deep time of talking with God alone, the Word will become imprinted in their hearts; thoughts; and brains, their spiritual condition will change, and they’ll enjoy and experience God’s presence more vividly.
Since you’ve received the answer of “uniqueness” that only God can give, you can enjoy this content every day. As you repeat the Word, it’s necessary to take time to engrave it in your brain. This is far different from memorizing the Word over and over again without any thought. When you deeply meditate on each word, verse by verse, the state of your heart and your thoughts will change.
It’s also good to confess that Jesus is the Christ and to admit your unbelief from time to time. That process is prayer. Through it, amazing changes occur in your heart and mind and eventually, change your imprints.
By focusing on God just once a day, the moment when you focus on God will become the time to move the throne of His Kingdom and the period to edit His things as your own.
You are the people of God who are in this covenant!! I pray for you and I love you. 11/27/2021
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