thought of the gospel

 What are you thinking about now?

What you're thinking about determines the you today. When I repeatedly think about what you have seen and heard, it becomes imprinted in your conscious, unconscious, and soul. It creates your future and your life. Change the incorrect thoughts you've had so far.

Cast away unbelief and negative thoughts. Think of only the Gospel in order to make good judgments, and live for the Gospel. When the living Word comes to you as “rhema,” the inspired Word works will absolutely take place and the one- hundred-year answer will come.

The purpose of your life isn’t to eat and live well on this earth. Rather, you must enter Canaan, do world evangelization, and relay the answer of missions to the posterity. For those works to happen, you need to take time to discover and meditate on what God has given only to you within His Word. Like Noah; Abraham; Jochebed; and the witnesses of Romans 16, you must pray to discover the one-hundred-year economy and the covenant.

A world leader must be a person who is centered on the Gospel and knows the values of the temple and worship. The world leader mustn’t have Egyptian ideologies, desire success in Canaan, and be biased toward any one side. Those who know and edit the future will be used by God.

In that sense, Remnants must be like young Joseph, hold onto the one- hundred-year covenant, and plan and edit the future.

You are people of God who are in search of the things of God!! I pray for you and I love you.  11/24/2021
