True Healing
New York's subway transportation operations have a deficit of 600 million dollars a year. How to deal with this problem has been debated by important people in New York. New York passed a bill allowing people over 21 to legally own marijuana as a way to solve the deficit.
Marijuana is $375 an ounce, and has a 15% tax to cover all the deficit. People who have such dark thoughts are leading politics, economy, culture and society. Although the world's methods seem to solve the problem, in the end it leads to a bigger spiritual problem.
Problems don't happen all of a sudden. They originate from the longstanding fundamental problems found in Genesis 3, 6, and 11. At decisive moments, Satan interferes with your ability to make good judgments and causes you to fall into the traps and frames that are centered on “self.” That’s why true healing is only possible when you are first imprinted, rooted, and possess the nature of Christ.
The Bible explains that when people meet God, true liberation and genuine physical and spiritual healing will take place. God freed the Israelites who had long been seized by spiritual problems and protected them in the wilderness by giving them manna, quail, and water. Furthermore, through the Tabernacle; tent of meeting; and tents, God healed the weary and diseased souls.
If it is the true Gospel, then healing welfare will become globalized. You are people of God, who have the covenant to save the gentiles, the sick, addictions, ideology, culture and remnants of the world!! I pray for you, and I love you. 11/20/2101
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