Way Of Salvation

 When a fire broke out, a firefighter found a man who was unconscious and trapped in the building that was about to collapse.

The firefighter said, “Stay still and hold me while I carry you. You must never move. Don't try to help me, trust me completely. I will rescue you.”

You must hold on to the Lord like those rescued from a fire. Fully trust the Lord to deliver you safely from the fires of wrath.

The Lord came not only to save you from curses, calamities, darkness and judgment, but also to give eternal life through Christ.

Until now, you may have heard incorrect words and misunderstood them to be accurate. Perhaps you’ve been swayed by people's words; swept away by the stream of the world; and as a result, experienced confusion and conflict. Even if you gain a higher socio-economic status, you cannot get rid of the emptiness and anxiety in your heart. Moreover, you cannot overcome family discord or diseases through religious activities, good deeds, and your will.

God knew this all too well, so He opened the only and unique way of salvation. When people believe in Jesus Christ, their fundamental problem of being separated from God will be resolved, and the spiritual background and stream of unbelief in their families and family lines will be broken.

If you’ve met God and resolved the fundamental problems of life, you can now experience the power of His Word. Moreover, you no longer have any reason to be chained to yourself or live as a slave to the world.

God said, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you.” To those who have edited their lives with the Word of “only Gospel,” God will absolutely disclose the one-hundred-year answer that will take place.

You are people of God edited by the covenant!! I pray for you and I love you. 11/26/2021
