Father Son Holy Spirit
The common denominator of the people who possess faith changed history and conquered the future. They risked their lives, materials, and everything for the small task God entrusted to them, all the while devoting themselves to victory and winning.
Not only did each of them win, but they also left behind a legacy of faith in the history of the church and the world. It became a milestone for the next generations to follow.
God the Father still fulfills His Word, God the Son accomplishes the work of salvation, and God the Holy Spirit carries out evangelism and the works of power. If you believe in these facts, then you must edit; plan; and design your business; studies; academics; and fields with God’s Word that will be fulfilled.
Don’t waste your time and energy on unnecessary matters: instead, follow the absolute answers that save. You have the secret to being independent wherever you are. You can see what others cannot see, turn crises into opportunities, and survive with the works of re-creation anywhere without any competition.
You just need to hold onto the absolute sovereignty, the indwelling of Christ, the Holy Spirit, guidance, and the assurance of salvation that saves all of time and things that are broken. It's possible with the assurance of salvation, guidance, victory, answers to prayer, and of forgiveness. These are the foundations of victory without fighting.
Furthermore, if you aren’t swayed by circumstances, but hold onto eternal answers, you’ll change the stream and the power of the throne will be fulfilled wherever you go. Don’t be bogged down and discouraged because of your past. Your covenant is to edit, plan, and design with the new things given by Him to expand your territory. You, are people of God, who will win through this covenant!! I pray for you and, I love you. 12/14/2021
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