God Given Vision

 Confess your victory even when you are clearly defeated. Don't be tied down by the past, failures, or traumas, but confess your abundance even when you are clearly lacking.

God said that whatever a man sows, he will also reap. Words full of faith and love will renew you. Those words will come to fruition according to your beliefs. It will be as you desire. You need to know that "my words are my destiny," not "you are my destiny."

When faced with hardships or crises, people usually come up with counter measures. They either tie a white cloth tightly around their forehead and worry, or they tell their problems and seek advice from trusted people. Others get their fortunes told or use other forms of divination to find their paths. 

However, those who communicate and connect with God on a daily basis aren’t alarmed even if hardships come. Instead, through problems and incidents, they become even more assured regarding what God will do. Ultimately, crises are opportunities rather than dangers.

Joseph, who was sold into slavery, was with God on a daily basis and also possessed a God-given vision. Whether a slave, in Potiphar’s house, or falsely framed and imprisoned, he didn’t fall victim to his hardships: instead, he looked toward the works God that would carry out. He knew the needs of his master and the people whom he met.

Even now God is alive, is with you, and works from the throne of Heaven. Those who see these spiritual facts can enjoy the blessings of the throne no matter the circumstances or situations because they believe that God transcends time and space and works even now. 

You are people of God, who have God's desire to save the field captivated in darkness and emptiness!!

I pray for you, and I love you. 12/24/2021 
