Jesus Christ
The world is obsessed with idolatry, shamanism, the fortune-telling culture, and various religions. It is suffering from serious spiritual and mental problems. In times like these, if you are able to break down the global culture of darkness and enter into evangelism and missions for the kingdom of God, you will enjoy the monumental and greatest answers of world evangelization. That's why Jesus told all nations to go to the ends of the earth and make disciples.
God created man in His own image; gave the Gospel; and told man to be fruitful; multiply and fill the earth; subdue it; and have dominion over all creation. God instilled infinite authority within man. However, man’s potential to leave God and become centered on self; material wealth; and success was completely hidden and buried.
Those who meet God through Jesus Christ are freed from sins and curses. In addition, those who overcome the forces of darkness are able to enjoy all blessings within their identity. When God’s children connect with Him, they can find and use their potential talents through God’s infinite power.
If you’ve resolved your life’s fundamental problem through Jesus Christ, you can now find the answer of “re-creation” every day. If you organize the Word and prayer, you’ll be able to reinterpret and accept the works that occur in your life. No matter how educated, wealthy, and accomplished people are, those who’ve left God are children of the Devil and have no choice but to follow the world’s trends and after the prince of the power of the air. Without the Gospel, you cannot meet God; cannot heal your heart; and cannot solve family conflicts and problems related to your children.
The studies and jobs of those who know these facts are evangelism and missions that will save the world. The writings, songs, paintings, and performances of those who have organized both the Word of the Gospel and the prayers that enjoy the transcendence of time and space will become the masterpieces of witnesses.
You are people of God, who have been called in this history!! I pray for you and, I love you. 12/21/2021
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